

Permission has been obtained to use the script I have, so that is proceeding swimmingly. Unfortunately, I am yet to receive permission for the Pokemon Names, so I am still refraining from asking partnership in this project.

Once permission is obtained, the project will be opened and I will give out sections for proofreading and have a constant stream of translation questions.

Progress has been slow lately because I spent the last three days helping at my Grandmother's house, where I have no internet.

Current Progress: Route 1

1 comment:

  1. Saluton!
    Saw your thread on lernu.net about translating the names of the color-cities, and in fact according to SimplaVortaro.com several have legitimate direct EO translations. Actually the poetry of the original names is that they aren't so much colors per se, they're exotic things or substances that _have_ those colors. You lose something if you go with the blah color names the folks came up with on the thread. Okay, so you get close to the same shade, but you lose all the exoticness. SimplaVortaro says:

    Saffron = Safrana
    Fuchsia = Fuksia
    Celadon = Celadona
    Lavender = Lavenda
    Vermillion = Vermiljana
    Cinnabar = Cinabra

    So they're mostly just straightforward Esperanto spellings taking from more-or-less Latin/Romance words. The other ones don't show up but you could use the same system:

    Viridian = Viridjana
    Cerulean = Ceruljana or Ceruleana

    Pewter's kind of a toughie. Not exactly Romance. Wouldn't want to transliterate it as Peuxtra, too close to Putra. :-) translate.google.com seems to translate it the same as "Tin" in every other language, which makes about as much sense as translating "Bronze" as "Copper". Best idea I could come up with is: "Tin Alloy" = "Stanaloja"

    Bonsxancon por via projeckto, amiko!
